
Our products tell a long story of innovation and quality. For generations we have passionately brought all the wholesome goodness of great-tasting baked goods to the tables of millions of people.


Our story begins in Vicenza, 1970, when Luigi Morato inaugurated his shop, taking his first steps into the world of bread-making. Shortly thereafter the idea of industrialising the production process of soft bread was born from his intuition and entrepreneurial spirit, aiming at large-scale distribution.


In 1975 Luigi Morato opened a second bakery in the city. Then, in the 1980s, he conceived and promoted the first Bakery Fair in Vicenza, and positioned himself as a supporter and promoter of the world of bread thanks to the roles he held in trade associations. In 1989 the first industrial productions start and the most iconic lines of Morato Pane begin to arrive on the shelves via large-scale distribution: Tenerelle, Bruschelle, Spuntinelle and Nuvolatte. In 2003 the American Sandwich, which to this day is still one of the best-selling and most representative references of the Group, makes its debut.


With the acquisition of Pan D'Este, a historic brand of breadsticks in the territory of the Gran Ducato d'Este, the offerings expand, with a strong focus on quality


Gradually, the territory of origin extends to Romagna and to typical products such as piadina, thanks to the acquisition of Artigianpiada.


GranBon, a brand specialising in croutons, represents an expansion of the group's offer in the dry-products market.


At this point, a partnership with Orva, a company with multi-product offerings that excels in quality management, is a natural progression.


In recent years Morato Group has adopted merger and acquisition strategies (M&A) in order to expand both in Italy and abroad and become a spokesperson for Made in Italy. Constitutes a decisive year, with the acquisition of the historic Italian brand Roberto, Modea, a company with a strong focus on the UK market, and the creation of Morato Iberia, an international production plant.


The rise of the group on the international market is sealed by the acquisition of M&C Bakery in Spain and RO.MAR, a leading Venetian baked goods company


Over the years, and in line with industrial mentality, the Morato Group has developed a marked sensitivity towards the environment, communities and territories, representing a model of sustainable and social growth.
The acquisition of Nt Food aims at the emerging gluten-free market and the creation of Morato France is another step towards expansion abroad.


The most recent acquisition of La Spiga Food testify to the strength of a growth path destined to continue over the coming years.